Sunday, September 23, 2012

List of dangerous file extensions

A list of dangerous file extensions ..

Heres' the secret

Windows Enhanced Mode Driver. A device driver is executable code and, as such, can be infected and should be scanned.

Microsoft Access Project Extension. Use of macros makes this vulnerable.

Microsoft Access Project. Use of macros makes this vulnerable.

Abstract Data Type. According to Symantec these are database-related program files.

Application File. Associated with a variety of programs; these files interact with such things as database programs to make them look like standalone programs.


Active Server Page. Combination program and HTML code.

Microsoft Visual Basic Class Module. These are programs.

Batch File. These are text files that contain system commands. There have been a few batch file viruses but they are not common.

Binary File. Can be used for a variety of tasks and usually associated with a program. Like an overlay file it's possible to infect .BIN files but not usually likely.

4DOS Batch To Memory Batch File. Batch file that could be infected.

Computer Based Training. It's never been made clear why or how these can become infected but Symantec includes them in their default listing.


Compiled HTML Help File. Use of scripting makes these vulnerable.

Java Class File. Java applets are supposed to be run in a "sandbox" and thus be isolated from the system. However, users can be tricked into running an applet in a mode that the sandbox considers "secure" so Class files should be scanned.


Windows NT Command Script. A batch file for NT.

Command (Executable File). Any executable file can be infected in a variety of ways.

Control Panel Extension. Similar to a device driver which is executable code and, as such, can be infected and should be scanned.

Security Certificate. Can have code associated with it.

Corel Script File. A type of script file that is executable. Any executable should be scanned.

Hypertext Cascading Style Sheet. Style sheets can contain code.

Dynamic Link Library. Can be used for a variety of tasks associated with a program. DLLs typically add functions to programs. Some contain executable code; others simply contain functions or data but you can't tell by looking so all DLLs should be scanned.


MS Word Document. Word documents can contain macros that are powerful enough to be used for viruses and worms.

MS Word Document Template. Word templates can contain macros that are powerful enough to be used for viruses and worms.


Device Driver. A device driver is executable code and, as such, can be infected and should be scanned.

.EML or

MS Outlook Express E-mail. E-mail messages can contain HTML and scripts. Many viruses and worms use this vector.

Executable File. Any executable file can be infected in a variety of ways.

Font. Believe it or not, a font file can have executable code in it and therefore can be infected.

Help File. Help files can contain macros. They are not a common vector but have housed a Trojan or two.

HTML Program. Can contain scripts.


Hypertext Markeup Language. HTML files can contain scripts which are more and more becoming vectors.

Setup Information. Setup scripts can be changed to do unexpected things.

Initialization File. Contains program options.

Internet Naming Service. Can be changed to point unexpected places.

Internet Communication Settings. Can be changed to point unexpected things.


JavaScript. As script files become vectors more often it's best to scan them. (.JSE is encoded. Also keep in mind that these can have other, random, extensions!)

Library. In theory, these files could be infected but to date no LIB-file virus has been identified.


Link. Can be changed to point to unexpected places.

MS Access Database or MS Access Application. Access files can contain macros that are powerful enough to be used for viruses and worms.

Microsoft Access MDE database. Macros and scripts make this vulnerable.


MHTML Document. This is an archived Web page. As such it can contain scripts which can be infected.

MP3 Program. While actual music files cannot be infected, files with .mp3 extensions can contain macro code that the Windows or RealNetwork media players will interpret and run. So, .mp3 files have expanded beyond pure music.

Math Script Object. According to Symantec these are database-related program files.

Microsoft Common Console Document. Can be changed to point to unexpected places.

Microsoft Windows Installer Package. Contains code.

Microsoft Windows Installer Patch. Contains code.

Microsoft Visual Test Source Files. Source can be changed.

Relocatable Object Code. Files associated with programs.

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Control Extension. A program that can be downloaded from a Web page.

Program File Overlay. Can be used for a variety of tasks associated with a program. Overlays typically add functions to programs. It's possible to infect overlay files but not usually likely.

Photo CD MS Compiled Script. Scripts are vulnerable.


Program File. Associated with a variety of programs; these files interact with such things as database programs to make them look like standalone programs.

MS-DOS Shortcut. If changed can run unexpected programs.

MS PowerPoint Presentation. PowerPoint presentations can contain macros that are powerful enough to be used for viruses and worms.

Palmpilot Resource File. A PDA program (yes, there are rare PDA viruses).

Registry Entries. If run these change the registry.

Rich Text Format. A format for transmitting formatted text usually assumed to be safe. Binary (and infected) objects can be embedded within RTF files, however, so, to be safe, they should be scanned. RTF files can also be DOC files renamed and Word will open them as DOC files.

Screen Saver or Script. Screen savers and scripts are both executable code. As such either may contain a virus or be used to house a worm or Trojan.

Windows Script Component. Scripts can be infected.


Shell Scrap Object File. A scrap file can contain just about anything from a simple text file to a powerful executable program. They should generally be avoided if one is sent to you but are routinely used by the operating system on any single system.

Ami Pro Macro. Rare, but can be infected.

Source Code. These are program files that could be infected by a source code virus (these are rare). Unless you are a programmer these likely won't be a concern. Extensions include, but are not limited to: .ASM, .C, .CPP, .PAS, .BAS, .FOR.


System Device Driver. A device driver is executable code and, as such, can be infected and should be scanned.

Internet Shortcut. Can send you to any unexpected Web location.


VBScript File. Scripts can be infected. (.VBE is encoded.)


Visual Basic Script. A script file may contain a virus or be used to house a worm or Trojan.

Virtual Device Driver. A device driver is executable code and, as such, can be infected and should be scanned.

Windows Script Component. Scripts can be infected.

Windows Script File. Scripts can be infected.

.WSHWindows Script Host Settings File. Settings can be changed to do unexpected things.

MS Excel File. Excel worksheets can contain macros that are powerful enough to be used for viruses and worms.

Friday, August 24, 2012


ASP net dropdown list with country name. You can add this bit of code in your ASP net form for selecting countries
<asp:DropDownList id="Country" runat="server" Height="25px" Width="160px">  <asp:ListItem Value="" Selected=true>Select Country</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AF">Afghanistan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AL">Albania</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="DZ">Algeria</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AS">American Samoa</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AD">Andorra</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AO">Angola</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AI">Anguilla</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AQ">Antarctica</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AG">Antigua And Barbuda</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AR">Argentina</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AM">Armenia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AW">Aruba</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AU">Australia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AT">Austria</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AZ">Azerbaijan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BS">Bahamas</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BH">Bahrain</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BD">Bangladesh</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BB">Barbados</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BY">Belarus</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BE">Belgium</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BZ">Belize</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BJ">Benin</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BM">Bermuda</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BT">Bhutan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BO">Bolivia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BA">Bosnia And Herzegowina</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BW">Botswana</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BV">Bouvet Island</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BR">Brazil</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="IO">British Indian Ocean Territory</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BN">Brunei Darussalam</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BG">Bulgaria</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BF">Burkina Faso</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="BI">Burundi</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KH">Cambodia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CM">Cameroon</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CA">Canada</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CV">Cape Verde</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KY">Cayman Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CF">Central African Republic</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TD">Chad</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CL">Chile</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CN">China</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CX">Christmas Island</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CC">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CO">Colombia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KM">Comoros</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CG">Congo</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CK">Cook Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CR">Costa Rica</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CI">Cote D'Ivoire</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="HR">Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CU">Cuba</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CY">Cyprus</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CZ">Czech Republic</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="DK">Denmark</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="DJ">Djibouti</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="DM">Dominica</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="DO">Dominican Republic</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TP">East Timor</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="EC">Ecuador</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="EG">Egypt</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SV">El Salvador</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GQ">Equatorial Guinea</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="ER">Eritrea</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="EE">Estonia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="ET">Ethiopia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="FK">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="FO">Faroe Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="FJ">Fiji</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="FI">Finland</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="FR">France</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GF">French Guiana</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PF">French Polynesia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TF">French Southern Territories</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GA">Gabon</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GM">Gambia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GE">Georgia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="DE">Germany</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GH">Ghana</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GI">Gibraltar</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GR">Greece</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GL">Greenland</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GD">Grenada</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GP">Guadeloupe</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GU">Guam</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GT">Guatemala</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GN">Guinea</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GW">Guinea-Bissau</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GY">Guyana</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="HT">Haiti</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="HM">Heard And Mc Donald Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="VA">Holy See (Vatican City State)</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="HN">Honduras</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="HK">Hong Kong</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="HU">Hungary</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="IS">Icel And</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="IN">India</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="ID">Indonesia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="IR">Iran (Islamic Republic Of)</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="IQ">Iraq</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="IE">Ireland</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="IL">Israel</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="IT">Italy</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="JM">Jamaica</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="JP">Japan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="JO">Jordan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KZ">Kazakhstan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KE">Kenya</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KI">Kiribati</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KP">Korea, Dem People'S Republic</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KR">Korea, Republic Of</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KW">Kuwait</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KG">Kyrgyzstan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LA">Lao People'S Dem Republic</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LV">Latvia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LB">Lebanon</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LS">Lesotho</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LR">Liberia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LY">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LI">Liechtenstein</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LT">Lithuania</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LU">Luxembourg</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MO">Macau</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MK">Macedonia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MG">Madagascar</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MW">Malawi</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MY">Malaysia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MV">Maldives</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="ML">Mali</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MT">Malta</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MH">Marshall Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MQ">Martinique</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MR">Mauritania</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MU">Mauritius</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="YT">Mayotte</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MX">Mexico</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="FM">Micronesia, Federated States</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MD">Moldova, Republic Of</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MC">Monaco</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MN">Mongolia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MS">Montserrat</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MA">Morocco</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MZ">Mozambique</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MM">Myanmar</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NA">Namibia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NR">Nauru</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NP">Nepal</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NL">Netherlands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AN">Netherlands Ant Illes</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NC">New Caledonia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NZ">New Zealand</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NI">Nicaragua</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NE">Niger</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NG">Nigeria</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NU">Niue</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NF">Norfolk Island</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="MP">Northern Mariana Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="NO">Norway</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="OM">Oman</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PK">Pakistan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PW">Palau</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PA">Panama</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PG">Papua New Guinea</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PY">Paraguay</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PE">Peru</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PH">Philippines</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PN">Pitcairn</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PL">Poland</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PT">Portugal</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PR">Puerto Rico</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="QA">Qatar</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="RE">Reunion</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="RO">Romania</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="RU">Russian Federation</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="RW">Rwanda</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="KN">Saint K Itts And Nevis</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LC">Saint Lucia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="VC">Saint Vincent, The Grenadines</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="WS">Samoa</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SM">San Marino</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="ST">Sao Tome And Principe</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SA">Saudi Arabia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SN">Senegal</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SC">Seychelles</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SL">Sierra Leone</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SG">Singapore</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SK">Slovakia (Slovak Republic)</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SI">Slovenia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SB">Solomon Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SO">Somalia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="ZA">South Africa</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GS">South Georgia , S Sandwich Is.</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="ES">Spain</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="LK">Sri Lanka</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SH">St. Helena</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="PM">St. Pierre And Miquelon</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SD">Sudan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SR">Suriname</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SJ">Svalbard, Jan Mayen Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SZ">Sw Aziland</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SE">Sweden</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="CH">Switzerland</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="SY">Syrian Arab Republic</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TW">Taiwan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TJ">Tajikistan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TZ">Tanzania, United Republic Of</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TH">Thailand</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TG">Togo</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TK">Tokelau</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TO">Tonga</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TT">Trinidad And Tobago</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TN">Tunisia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TR">Turkey</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TM">Turkmenistan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TC">Turks And Caicos Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="TV">Tuvalu</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="UG">Uganda</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="UA">Ukraine</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="AE">United Arab Emirates</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="GB">United Kingdom</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="US">United States</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="UM">United States Minor Is.</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="UY">Uruguay</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="UZ">Uzbekistan</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="VU">Vanuatu</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="VE">Venezuela</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="VN">Viet Nam</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="VG">Virgin Islands (British)</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="VI">Virgin Islands (U.S.)</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="WF">Wallis And Futuna Islands</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="EH">Western Sahara</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="YE">Yemen</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="YU">Yugoslavia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="ZR">Zaire</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="ZM">Zambia</asp:ListItem>  <asp:ListItem Value="ZW">Zimbabwe</asp:ListItem>  </asp:DropDownList>