Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Recharge Tata Docomo prepaid card via Twitter

Now, Tata Docomo customers can recharge their prepaid card via Twitter

Tata Docomo
Tata Docomo has teamed up with micro-blogging site Twitter to launcha new initiative called Twittcom, that will allow its GSM Pre -paid customers to recharge and activate a Value added service/ application through Twitter.

Twittcom, has been developed indigenously by the team at Tata Teleservices Limited.

Commenting on the new service, Ritesh Ghosal, Head of Brand Marketing at Tata Teleservices Limited said, “As a brand, Tata DOCOMO has always differentiated itself with its Innovations, whether it is 1p/sec pricing for calls, or
advertising, efforts have always been made to add value to the lives of consumers. With the increasing consumption of Internet and the rise of social media it makes ample sense to be present on the medium where people are spending time at present or they are likely to spend time in the future. Our community on Facebook is amongst the strongest in the world and Twitter too will reach the same levels quite soon.”

To use Twittcom, Tata Docomo customers need to follow this simple process:

- Go to the Twitter handle of the company @tatadocomo, and type in #reg

- They will then receive a pin code for verification through SMS.

- Once the verification code is received, customers need to go to the twitter handle again, and key in #code . They will then get a retweet confirming registration.

- For activating value added services, customers need to go to the handle (@tatadocomo) and key in #act# . They will then get a twit back confirming activation of the service.

Chat in MS-DOS

Chat in MS-DOS using IP address

It is easy and simple trick.  We can chat using MS-DOS(we have did this as college experiment in network lab with java code).  But i am not going to give you the java code.  Our usual Batch Programming.

You can try this in your school or college systems(it should be networked systems).

Step 1: 
 Get  the ip address of your friend's system.
if you are using college or school system,then ip address will be in particular range.

Step 2:
copy the following Batch code in notepad:
@echo off
echo TypeIPAddress
set /p n=IPAddress:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
Save the file with .bat extension(For Eg: message.bat)

Step 3:
Open command prompt and navigate to that batch file location.
open the file in notepad.

If you don't know how to move to that path,simply drog and drop in cmd.Then hit enter.

Step 4:
Now it will ask you for the IPAddress.
Enter the IP address which you want to send message.
Hit enter
Now it will ask you for the message.
Enter and hit enter

The user with whom you connecting system's cmd should be opened in order to receive.

Step 5:
What is next? Comment Here! If the above method not working for you. Then comment what you did and What it showing. Or is it working perfectly ?then share your experience with us