Tuesday, November 19, 2013


How to reset your pattern unlock data on your android phone or tablet using PC via ADB (android debug bridge)

This method will only work if and only if you have previously enabled "USB debug mode" in your device, prior to an actual lock out due to forgotten password or screen pattern.
  1. 1
    Install Android SDK.
    Download android SDK from www.developer.android.com/sdk/index.html.
  2. 2
    After downloading the file, do not open it, but instead extract the content to a folder in the root of your drive C. Rename the folder to android-sdk.
  3. 3
    USB Driver.
    Download the necessary USB driver for your tablet. If you have difficulty in obtaining the right USB driver for your device, you could use an Android management tool like "Moborabo." This application was originally intended for smartphones, but will also work for Android tablets.
  4. 4
    Connect your tablet.
    Connect your Android tablet to your computer using the provided USB cable. Make sure that the device is detected by your computer.
  5. 5
    Open command prompt.
    Type "Win+R." This will open the run command window on your desktop. Type "cmd" on the space provided.

  6. 6
    Go to the adb directory by typing the following commands on the command prompt window:
    1. cd\
    2. cd android-sdk\platform-tools\

  7. 7
    Check that you device is recognized by typing the adb command to list the devices connected to your computer.
    This should display the serial number of the device(s).  
    1. adb devices

  8. 8
    Type the adb command to wipe the user data on your android device:
    1. adb shell
    2. rm /data/system/gesture.key
    3. Restart your device
    4. Start the adb shell again
    5. cd /data/data/com.android.providers.setting­s/databases
    6. sqlite3 settings.db
    7. update system set value=0 where name=’lock_pattern_autolock’;
    8. update system set value=0 where name=’lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently’;
    9. quit
    10. Restart -- Your phone should now allow you to enter a new pattern unlock. If not continue on to the next step.
    11. If it does not you can go into adb shell again and type wipe data. WARNING: ALL DATA ON YOUR PHONE WILL BE LOST. Since this method will cause your data to be lost anyway, you might as well do a full factory reset instead. However for completeness this solution documented here.
    12. Depending on the amount of data on your Android tablet, this may take some time. Just wait until you see the message "Done wiping/data." Your Android tablet will be restored to factory default after this process.
  9. 9
    Close the command prompt window.
  10. 10
    You can now remove your Android tablet from the computer and restart the device.
The Last resort
  • If your Android Device is unable to connect to the Internet while locked, then unfortunately you have lost access to your device. You will need to perform a full factory reset of the device.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


The acronym LAMP refers to first
letters of the components of the solution stack composed entirely of free and open-source software to build high-availability heavy duty dynamic web sites that can serve tens of thousands of requests simultaneously, depending on specific component tuning:

  • Linux, the operating system (i.e. not just the Linux kernel, but also glibc and some other essential components of an operating system);
  • Apache HTTP Server, the Web server;
  • MariaDB or MySQL, the database management system;
  • P for PHP, Perl, or Python, the scripting languages (respectively programming languages) used for dynamic web pages and web development.
The exact combination of the software included in a LAMP stack is prone to variation, e.g. Apache web server can be replaced by some other web server software. Though the original authors of these programs did not design them all to work as a component of a LAMP stack, the development philosophy and tool sets are shared and were developed in close conjunction, so they work and scale very well together. The software combination has become popular because it is entirely free and open-source software, that means that each and every component can be adapted to the underlying hardware solution and customized to meet job specification as exactly as possible without the slightest vendor lock-in. The complete software stack also happens to be free of cost, leaving maximum financial leverage to be put into the tailoring of the entire hard- and software solution, which can be outsourced to external contractors.

Due to the nature of free and open-source software and the ubiquity of its components, each and every component of the LAMP stack is very well tested regarding performance and security and there is an abundance of experienced contractors to do the tailoring respectively the system administration. There is also a constant development going on.

The components of the LAMP stack are present in the software repositories of most (if not all) Linux distributions, giving any end-user a simple way to install, set up and operate an initial LAMP stack out of the box. The web presence of a small company which does not have a high hit count and is not prone to frequent attacks, can therefore be administered by another small company, by a one man company or even by a student.

The LAMP stack, because of the general advantages and benefits of free and open-source software, may be one of the reasons for the very high Linux adoption rate among web servers.
The LAMP bundle can be and is combined with many other free and open-source software packages such as e.g. netsniff-ng for security testing and hardening, Snort, an intrusion detection (IDS) and intrusion prevention system (IPS), RRDtool for diagrams, or nagios, Collectd, or Cacti, for monitoring. The Django (web framework) for development.

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